Is your Venue Rental Fee the same as your Competitor's but you need to be charging more?
Did you recently raise your Venue Rental Fee & now the phone stopped ringing?
Are you looking for Additional Profit Centers other than just the Venue Rental?
Create a Custom Venue Sales Strategy For YOU!
Create a Unique Value Offer Couples Can't Resist & Enhance It
The Price is Right!
Food & Beverage Profits - Even If You are NOT the Caterer!
Additional Profit Centers = More Money!
Where, When & How to Present Venue Pricing?
- Your Venue Rental Fee was Increased 15 or 25% tomorrow and you never looked back!
- You are the venue that everyone is talking about with the best offer around!
- Your Profit is over 10x this year and you can make those improvements and hire the staff you know will take you to the next level!
- Your venue team was so efficient that you could take a step back from the day to day management.
An Event Sales Professional with over 15 years of sales experience
Nine of those in weddings & event sales. I have managed three venues and helped many more venue owners increase their revenue and structure their business so they feel more organized in the chaos of this industry! In the beginning we all run around giving so many tours, spending all the marketing dollars we can and doing any event that will fill a date. This leads to getting burned out and wondering if this really was a good investment after looking at the bottom line. But there is a better way! I want to help venue owners take back their business by creating structure and cash flow so that they enjoy their clients and the events they host at their gorgeous properties.
- This is for you if you are ready to make your venue sales a top priority and create the best sales offer with the most profit!
- This is for you if you are ready to create a new sales strategy that attracts the best clients!
- This is for you if you want to learn how to maximize your venue's revenue potential!
- This is for you if you want to learn 12 ways to make money at your Wedding Venue other than the venue rental fee!
Are you ready to have your venue reach its maximum earnings potential?
Are you ready to create new profit centers for your business?
Are you ready to fill up your calendar?
Are you ready to learn new ways to make money at your venue & improve your bottom line?